How To Use Google Docs For a Group?

2.5 min read|Last Updated: February 9th, 2024|Categories: GSuite|

Small teams in an organization work and concentrate on specific activities to support the bigger side, which is the organization itself, so that each team’s data is shared amongst its members to clarify the responsibilities for each of them.

Let’s consider an organization in Vancouver which consists of three teams with different working styles and also some technical members who work for the organization remotely. The question that may strike your mind is, how can team members share their docs with their colleagues to have a positive performance? Here is how:

  • G Suite service allows businesses to create staff teams and provide sharing capability inside a team so all members in a group can easily share their images, videos, work calendars, etc. with each other.
  • Google Group allows you to share your docs within a team.

Before doing anything else, you would better to log in to your user account and create a new doc or call a pre-made one. Once you open a document, you can see the share option on the top left of the screen. This option is used to share your documents with other groupmates.

Different Levels of Accessibility for Users 

When you decide to share one of your docs, there are three levels of accessibility you can activate for every single document: 

  1. Edit
  2. Comment
  3. View

Edit accessibility is the highest level of availability; a user with this access level can make changes to the doc. Comment accessibility means users can only see the document and leave comments. Finally, the View option is the lowest level of accessibility, and the name represents its function.

This feature is not limited to only the team members. Each document can be shared with people who are involved. The owner of the document can specify which document is shared with whom. 

In addition, admins can generate a link for the shared document and ask the new members to access the document via its link based on the accessibility level modified by the group admin (we have mentioned that you can modify three different levels of accessibility for each document you want to share).

Manage Staff & Track Their Performance Effectively 

This service allows organizations and teams to share specific docs with certain individuals and manage the accessibilities. Employees can also give access to files and docs to their present and remotely-working staff at the same time.

The “Group sharing” capability of Google Docs makes employers able to record their staff’s entrance and exit. The manager of an organization can create a document and share it with particular individuals. In this document, employees must register their entrance and exit times to make the manager able to calculate their working and off hours besides having easier access. In this method, each person has their private documents and has no access to the others’ docs. 

The mentioned process can have appropriate use in newly established companies or organizations to drop their costs in personalized roll calls.

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About the Author: Hajir Hoseini

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