how to calculate area under a curve in excel

How to Calculate Area Under a Curve in Excel: Easy Steps

5.1 min read|Last Updated: July 11th, 2024|Categories: Excel|

Understanding how to calculate the area under a curve in Excel is a valuable skill that can provide insights into trends, patterns, and overall performance across various fields. This is the total area covered between the curve and x-axis within a range of x-values, widely used in data science and relevant contexts. Excel offers multiple methods to perform this task efficiently, and we will explore two of them in this blog post. These methods will enable you to derive meaningful conclusions from your datasets, so let’s see how to find the area under a curve in Excel.


Calculating the Area Under a Curve with Trapezoidal Rule

Trapezoidal Rule, a numerical method, allows for an accurate approximation of this area by segmenting the curve into trapezoids, thereby simplifying complex curves into manageable calculations. Let’s see how to calculate the area under a curve in Excel, using this method:

Suppose you have this data table with its relevant curve.

Calculating the Area Under a Curve


You can divide the total area into multiple trapezoid areas like this:

Trapezoidal rule for calculating area under a curve


Then add another column (Area) to calculate the area of each trapezoid between data points.

Now you only need to apply the mathematical formula used for calculating the area of ​​the trapezoid:

When applied to the aforementioned data table, the formula is adapted as follows:

calculating the area of ​​the trapezoids


Drag the fill handle through the rows except for the last one to calculate the area of all trapezoids.

calculate the area of all trapezoids


Now you can sum up the values and calculate the total area under the curve using the SUM function:

total area under a curve


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Calculating the Area Under a Curve with Excel Chart Trendline

Another way of calculating the area under a curve is through the use of its equation. You can use the chart trendline in Excel and access the curve’s equation. Let’s delve deeper into how to calculate area under a curve in Excel, using the trendline.

You only need to follow these steps for this purpose:

First, select the chart, go to the “Chart Design” tab > “Chart Layouts” and click on the “Add Chart Element” dropdown list.

Select “Trendline” and then “More Trendline Options”.

Calculating the Area Under a Curve with Excel Chart Trendline


The “Format Trendline” pane will pop up.

In the “Trendline Options” section, select “Polynomial”.

format trendline in Excel


Then check “Display Equation on Chart”.

Display Equation on Chart


Now you can see the related equation on the chart.

In this step, you need to get the definite integral of the equation. You can do it by yourself or use this online integral calculator.

In our example, the integral would be:

 F(x) = -0.0274 x ^ 3 + 0.35695 x ^ 2 + 3.2283 x + C

You should calculate the function value for two points, x=1 and x=10. (These are the beginning and the end of the curve.)

how to calculate area under a curve in Excel
calculating the function value for two points


To find the area under the curve, calculate the difference between two values:

finding the area under the curve

This is the final value as the area under the curve.

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In this blog post, we explained how to calculate area under a curve in Excel, using two straightforward methods. By understanding and applying these techniques, you can unlock deeper analytical capabilities within Excel, making it an even more powerful tool in your data analysis processes. Remember, the choice of method depends on your specific dataset and analytical needs, but either approach will equip you with the means to extract meaningful information from your data.



Can Excel integrate the area under a curve?

Yes, Excel can approximate the area under a curve using numerical methods like the Trapezoidal Rule or by integrating a trendline equation derived from data points.

Can I calculate the area under a curve for any type of data in Excel?

Yes, you can calculate the area for any type of data as long as you can plot it on a graph or apply a suitable numerical method to approximate the area.

How do you find the equation of a curve from a graph in Excel?

You can find the equation of a curve by adding a trendline to your chart in Excel and then displaying the equation on the chart.

What if my curve is irregular or doesn’t follow a clear mathematical function?

For irregular curves, you can use numerical approximation methods like the Trapezoidal Rule to estimate the area under the curve directly from plotted data points.

Are there any Excel add-ins or tools that simplify the calculation of the area under a curve?

Yes, there are Excel add-ins and third-party tools designed for advanced data analysis that can simplify these calculations, but the built-in features of Excel are often sufficient for basic to moderately complex tasks.

What should I do if I have multiple curves or datasets to analyze in a single Excel file?

You can analyze multiple curves or datasets in a single Excel file by plotting them on separate charts or using separate calculations for each dataset. It’s essential to organize your data well to avoid confusion.

Is there a way to calculate the area between two curves in Excel?

Yes, you can calculate the area between two curves by finding the area under each curve separately and then subtracting one from the other, assuming you have the equations or numerical methods to approximate the area for both curves.

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About the Author: Sara.Sh

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