Inserting blank rows between the rows of a database

1.5 min read|Last Updated: November 10th, 2015|Categories: Excel|
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This blog post is about inserting rows between the rows of a database. Selecting rows one by one and insert row is very exhausting especially when there are so many rows to do so. A better solution is as follow,

Consider the database shown in the image below.

Step 1:

Insert a column to the left of the database and type numbers from 1 to the last row number of database-1. (here we have data up to row 16, so I will type number from 1 to 15)

Step 2:

Now copy the group of numbers under each other, how many times? Depends on the number of blank row you want. For example, I want to insert 2 blank rows between each row. So I copy and paste these numbers twice under each other:

Step 3:

Now select whole database and go to Data>sort and do as shown in below figure:

After clicking OK you will have 2 blank rows between your database rows. Then you can delete the helper column (column A)

And after deleting the helper column (column A) we will have this:

Additionally, for inserting a column between columns in a database, do similar steps above and set the option in sort to left to right, then do as shown above.

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About the Author: Hajir Hoseini

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